Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Are All Gamers Skinny?

So Easter has been and gone. A dreaded date in the diary for any dieter, only slightly behind Christmas due to the abundance of chocolate eggs. But I can hold my head up high this year because I ate just one egg; and that was only because they were marked down after Easter Monday and my husband begged me to buy them (what can I say? He knows my weakness for cheap chocolate goods). I am getting worried about him though, he seems to be eating more and more crap. The line between concern and nagging is a thin one for any well-meaning wife to walk. Plus, it's really, really hard to say no to a doughnut when he's waving it in front of your face (doughnuts aren't too bad under the WeightWatchers points system, but ya have to stick to just the one).

It wasn't just willpower alone that got me through the extended Easter break unscathed. I don't know if I should admit this because I might as well tattoo "geek" across my forehead, but in the interests of providing proven diet tips, I'm going to 'fess up. I'm a World of Warcraft player. That's not geeky in itself. It's an entertaining, absorbing game, enjoyed by millions of people around the world. I think I crossed a line though when I played for an entire day last week and forgot to eat lunch. Am I turning into this guy?!...

So there you have it. If you want to eat less, then play more (it doesn't have to be WoW, Lord of the Rings Online or Guild Wars would work too). But may I say in my defense, the rain over Easter was near torrential so I couldn't go outside anyway. Yes, still a geek. I can also quote whole chunks of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

Oh, and I should probably make it clear that skipping meals is not a valid diet choice. Gotta take us geeks with a pinch of salt (the reduced sodium kind, of course!)